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High Volume Pipe ALignment Roll System

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Video Demonstration: High Volume Pipe Alignment Rolls System

Introducing LJ Welding’s 10TMR Pipe Double Jointing System, designed to revolutionize pipe and vessel fabrication by reducing alignment and fit-up times by 50%. This innovative system aligns, levels, and rotates pipes or vessels effortlessly, making time-consuming fit-up a thing of the past. Simply load both pipe sections into place, and the powered track drive quickly brings them together, with motor controls accessible locally or via a remote hand pendant. Elevation and alignment adjustments are easily made using a cordless drill, eliminating the need for cranes. The system’s side-shifting capability further speeds up the process, enhancing efficiency and productivity. User-friendly and automated, our double jointing system will reduce in-the-field production time and boost your fab shop's performance. Read the full case study featuring 10TMR by clicking below: