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Fully Automated GE Healthcare MRI (Helium Vessel) Welding Cell

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Case Study: 55% Reduction in Cycle Times in MRI Fabrication

In this case study with GE Healthcare, a multinational corporation producing medical imaging equipment, LJ Welding Automation addressed significant challenges in their welding process. GE Healthcare needed customized material handling and adaptive welding for five-and-a-half ton aluminum vessels. They faced safety risks from overhead lifting cranes, excessive setup time, and a large machinery footprint, along with frequent weld quality issues and rework. LJ provided a fully automated welding cell featuring a custom seam weld robot and custom material handling system with adaptive seam tracking, optimizing their production by creating a single flow production line. This solution improved safety, reduced cycle time by 55%, reduced labour costs by 50%, and enhanced weld quality. Learn more by clicking below: