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Submerged Arc TWIN WIRE Beam Welding Gantry System 

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Case Study: Solution-Focused & Safe Welding Gantry

In this case study with WF Steel & Crane, LJ’s Beam Welding Gantry System proved instrumental in transforming their welding operations. By incorporating the Gantry System, WF Steel & Crane significantly increased their deposition rates, saving valuable time and boosting cost efficiency. The system's automated high deposition welding and dual independent torch control streamlined their processes, while the ground-level operator's chair improved safety and accessibility. Consistent quality welds and minimized flux changeovers further enhanced productivity. Discover how the Gantry System can optimize your operations and drive success. Learn more by clicking below:



Saving Up To 15 Hours On Each Large Overhead Crane Build

The Canadian fabrication operation converted to an automated gantry system with SAW, and it's been a game-changer for productivity - saving up to 15 hours on each large overhead crane build. The gantry system — custom designed by LJ Welding Automation — is a twin wire, dual weld head system that includes two Miller® SubArc DC 1000 Digital power sources that use Hobart® filler metals.



Another CASE STUDY featuring Beam Welding Gantry System: See how this customer increased welding deposition rates by 520%!