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How To Increase Welding Production In A Manufacturing Atmosphere

Written by Laurie McCurdy | Nov 19, 2015 10:44:07 PM


      In a natural resource-based economy that is currently in a downturn, companies ultimately need to reduce costs and increase output when it comes to their welding manufacturing to stay competitive. Offshore products manufactured with lower labor overhead put pressure on demand for domestically made products.  So how do we compete and remain competitive?

Here are a few things that your company can review to reduce your welding operating costs:

Review Welding Process and Procedures

     Welding the same process, with the same filler metal for 20 years doesn’t make it right...it works, but is it efficient?  Years ago we had cellular phones in suitcases and only the “few” were lucky enough to pack them around, but times have changed.  Why not revisit your procedures and see how you can optimize production by automating from a manual application to semi-automatic/automatic.  Changing from stick welding (SMAW) to flux core (FCAW), from flux core (FCAW) to metal cored wire (MCAW), or even stick welding (SMAW) to submerged arc (SAW) can increase your production by 30% or more.  Changing process and filler metals will ultimately change your current welding procedure -- but if the change increases your through-put, procedural change will pay for itself in the big picture.

Equipment To Increase Speed Of Welding and Lower Material Handling

     Every minute your welder is not welding, you are losing profit. Material handling is a large uncharted expense that is sometimes overlooked and needs to revisited, in order to obtain efficiencies in this area.  Welding out of position instead of in the flat position can cost time and money, and requires a specialized skill-set.  If the majority of your welds can be done in an improved position, why not invest in the equipment that will help this area?  The horizontal or flat joint of weld is the easiest weld to complete, with less weld repair and maximum weld speed, which provides the most productive results.  Our welding positioner equipment was designed for just this purpose.  LJ Welding Automation offers a vast fleet of rental equipment that can manipulate/adjust the position of welds to increase your production, while keeping your capital investment costs to a minimum.  A small welding positioner rental investment to do complete time-trials, can make a big impact on your production efficiency, which could justify equipment purchases. This is a very low risk option, which will minimize the capital investment until the process is proven.

Investing In Your Workers

      Training and increasing the skill-set of your workforce can also help raise your company’s throughput of manufactured items.  A workforce that knows the full capability of the equipment they use daily, will in fact put more investment in the job they do.  Reducing downtime, eliminating efficiencies and lost production will improve the quality of your products manufactured.  Welders that have been trained on their equipment/filler metals will utilize their skills to increase your company’s production.  Education is a small investment with a long term payback in your production, along with employee well-being and morale.

     Decreasing welding costs, increasing efficiency and improving productivity are just a few examples of how to increase your overall welding production.  These are small investments for an increased throughput while lowering overhead which will drive the costs of your manufactured products down, to be more competitive in any market.

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